If I’m interested in engineering, how do I get started?
You can get started with engineering by signing up for online classes. A popular one you can sign up for is from Autodesk.
What’s a reasonable entry level salary for engineering?
A typical starting salary starts at $50,000.
What are some free or inexpensive ways to get engineering experience on my resume?
I would recommend getting familiar with Inventor or Solidworks. You can do this through a college course or through an online training program.
What can I put on my resume to stand out to employers?
The biggest thing to make yourself stand out is to put what you love to design. You should also state your career goals and what training you have done to ‘get there’. I’m not necessarily looking for a college degree, but I am looking for a concentrated focus on CAD design and modeling.
What’s the highest dollar design you have made?
It’s hard to say exactly since each project is different. But the majority of PWI’s projects are in the $100K – $700K price range.